
Sunday, September 4, 2016

Hummingbird Hustle

Several weeks back, I had this bright idea to take photos of birds while sitting in a lawn chair in the back yard sipping coffee. In my head, this all sounded and looked very easy. I'd go so far as to say it was even bucolic. Yes, I said it. Bucolic. (now frantically looking up bucolic to make sure I used it correctly) (it'll do)

I bought some bird feed at the Dollar store and mid week, I spread out a healthy helping on the picnic table so that they'd become accustomed to where their dinner was located. By the time the weekend rolled around, the birds would be acclimated and I would have time to have that bucolic coffee in the back yard scenario.

You have to know this about the Dood, he doesn't ever tell me I'm nuts flat out. He's very vocabulary sensitive and uses phrases that allows the "I'm nuts" sensation to slowly soak into my conscious thoughts like a lovely, slow spring shower. He says things like (this is a direct quote), "What about Ghost (this is my rescued, ungrateful, pissant black cat that my sons adore)?" I assured him that Ghost wouldn't be a problem. Pffffft...cats don't even like bird feed, anyway.

Except...on the morning I went out back to partake of my dream becoming a reality, Ghost followed me. She promptly made herself comfortable right smack dab in the middle of what should have been bird feasting grounds. I had a big ol serving of humble pie and sent proof to the Dood in pictorial format so that we could just laugh and laugh together about how I finally understood what he'd been trying to 
tell me. He convinced me, gently, that I needed to go buy a bird feeder. Even suggested the shepherds hook thingy so that it would hang. Up high.

While at the store, I saw the hummingbird feeders as well. My dream of creating a bird feeding oasis of bliss expanded. So, I bought two bird feeding things. One for seed eating birds and one for nectar drinking birds. Life is grand.

I installed the shepherds hook into the ground, even stood up on it for good measure. I filled all the bird feeders with their goodies....right next to my fence in the shade. The squirrels had a field day. Also, the discardings of their orgy in the seed feeder made grass grow like tropical forrest underneath. Beautiful, lush, fresh, green grass. And the nectar didn't fare so well either. Ants clamored to their death in the sweet red drink. The ant sludge that I had to clean out was enough to make a weak person gag. Okay, fine...I gagged. A lot. It stank. Who knew ant carcasses would smell so horrible?!

Thankfully, a windstorm tore down my dreams and the Dood relocated the hook to a less squirrel friendly location. He doesn't complain. He simply works around all my good intentions to make my dreams become real. This morning, I finally got to see hummingbirds enjoying their nectar. I should have had a tripod ready for this momentous occasion. Maybe next time, I will (don't hold your breath--I am tripod rich and user poor).

Anyway, life is indeed good. My coffee was delicious sitting out back in the cooler, gentle breezes that will usher in my favorite time of the year. Also...we have hummingbirds!!!