
Sunday, August 7, 2016

Sowing Seeds

I had one of those moments this week that absolutely made me come to a full stop. I knew immediately that it would change the direction of my path.

This week has been emotionally stressful and busy. So, imagine me constantly on the go trying to be in the places I needed to be, fielding necessary phone calls, keeping appointments, assisting in caring for my father who is very sick at the hospital, trying to work, worrying about not being very present for my sons or my boyfriend. I left a lot undone.

I've begun this mentoring program. I have committed to myself to get as much as I possibly can from the experience. I am learning so much.

On Friday, I had scheduled a live video hang out with my Mentor for her to critique some photos of mine that I'd submitted earlier in the week. Because of the week I'd had, I didn't have time to get nervous or have any preconceived ideas about how it would/wouldn't go. I was and have been on edge emotionally. Almost anything will bring tears to my eyes.

We're into the session and she validates me in such a way that I had her to pause so that I could write it down. She then said to me, "You'll learn this about me, I only tell you what I've observed about you. I won't lie to you. What I say about you is what I've observed to be true."

In the community environment that she has designed for us to learn in, she watches all of her mentees and looks for the things they've done well. She seeks out opportunities to speak the gift of blessing and goodness into our spirits so that we grow what is good. 

I'll be honest, I've known about this concept. I've never had another person practice it into my life that wasn't related to me (I say that because my sister practices speaking blessings). This was different. She spoke about what she observed me doing well right now, not what she'd like to see me do or become in the future.

It's such a powerful practice because it requires mindfulness to pay attention to what others do right and what they do well. Human nature in us automatically notices what we don't like. It's a mind exercise to purposely put a spot light on when someone does something right. It made me take notice. It was a soul recognition that that is the sort of human being I intend to be. I will do the mind exercises and purposefully, mindfully document what is good; that which is done well; what is right with a person and I will speak it. Sowing those seeds will give me a beautiful garden to walk in, I believe.

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